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Chlorophyll Water

Should You Add Chlorophyll to Your Water?

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If you’ve hopped on TikTok recently, you may have seen many users promoting the benefits of adding chlorophyll to their water. Some users say that it helps with gut health, while others say it helps with acne and even reduces body odor. But is it worth the hype, and should you jump on the chlorophyll water bandwagon? We have the answers!

What is chlorophyll?

The last time you probably heard the word chlorophyll was in a science class at school. Chlorophyll gives plants their green pigment, and it is essential in photosynthesis, allowing plants to absorb energy from light. Chlorophyll is also rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C and K, minerals and antioxidants. And – gasp – you don’t need special chlorophyll water to get these nutrients. You can naturally – and effortlessly - incorporate chlorophyll into your diet by consuming simple, everyday green plants like spinach, broccoli, collard greens, green beans and leeks.

What is chlorophyll water?

Since chlorophyll cannot be dissolved in its natural state because it is fat-soluble, when users purchase chlorophyll supplements to add to their water, they are actually using a semi-synthetic version of chlorophyll called chlorophyllin. This semi-synthetic version is created by combining sodium and copper salts with chlorophyll to make it water-soluble and supposedly easier to absorb into the body.

What are the benefits of adding chlorophyll to your water?

Research on adding chlorophyll to your water is still minimal, but current proponents of it list a few added benefits, including better gut health, improved acne, natural deodorant and cancer-fighting antioxidants. Again, these are really more anecdotal reports, certainly nothing to hang our hats on.

Does chlorophyll water have any negative side effects?

While chlorophyll is not considered toxic, and there are no significant health risks to consuming it, you should always talk with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet to ensure there are no negative reactions that could occur.

Also be aware of how much you are adding to your water, as chlorophyll can cause digestive issues, including nausea and diarrhea. It may also cause green or black stool, which can lead some people to think they have gastrointestinal bleeding. Current chlorophyllin supplements suggest consuming an average of 100-300 milligrams per day.

What is the bottom line?

In general, it probably won’t hurt you to try and chlorophyll to your water, and if it gets you to drink more water, that is always a bonus. However, chlorophyll is not a magic solution. You can get the same benefits, if not more, from eating green, chlorophyll-filled vegetables, drinking lots of water and staying active. Adding chlorophyll to your water should not be considered a replacement to natural consumption of these vitamins and minerals, but more as a helpful addition.

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