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Ochsner Eat Fit Approved Restaurants For Kids

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Sometimes dining out can be a challenge when trying to maintain a healthy diet, and can be even harder when doing so with younger, pickier eaters.

Partnered with over 75 restaurants in the Greater New Orleans area, Ochsner Eat Fit offers delicious menu options for all ages at some of your favorite restaurants.

The guidelines for Eat Fit KIDS meals are:

  • Less than 400 calories
  • Less than 600 mg sodium
  • Less than 5 grams animal-based saturated fat
  • 0 g white refined carbs and trans fats
  • Less than 5 grams added sugar
  • 20+ grams protein, 1 cup vegetable
  • Whole grain, whole fruit or non-fat dairy also encouraged

Here are some Eat Fit kid-approved restaurants to consider when grabbing a bite with the kids.

Audubon Nature Institute

The Audubon Nature Institute, which includes the Zoo, Aquarium, and Insectarium, boast dining options like the zoo’s grilled cheese or turkey and swiss wrap. These tasty yet healthy options will keep your little ones fueled during the days’ adventure.

Velvet Cactus

A Lakeview favorite, this Mexican restaurant offers a great kid’s menu in a bright, colorful atmosphere that will light up your child’s eyes. Be sure to try the Island Jerk Chicken and veggie skewers.

SWEGS Kitchen

Known for its “healthy comfort food,” SWEGS has options suitable for a range of healthy lifestyles including dairy-free, vegan, low sodium, heart healthy, gluten free and low calorie. With three locations to choose from, pick up an Eat Fit Brownie or blueberry protein muffin for your little one to enjoy!

Ninja Sushi

Sure to please your child’s palate, the Little Ninja’s menu at this Oak Street spot serves healthy Japanese options including sushi rolls and edamame.

Breads on Oak

This is a great vegan and gluten-free bakery for breakfast and lunch sandwiches!

Liberty’s Kitchen

Liberty Kitchen's mission is “Teach, Empower, Nourish” and this restaurant provides disconnected youth with workforce and life skills training to become employed and self-sufficient. The kids menu’s gulf fish and shrimp tacos are delectable and Eat Fit approved!


This pizza and Italian restaurant is a family favorite in NOLA, and offers Eat Fit-approved options for parents as well as options that kids will enjoy. Find a location and enjoy a healthful night out with the family!


This NOLA sushi favorite started offering Eat Fit options in September 2017. Be sure to request brown rice for those rolls!

Whole Foods Market

While the prepared foods section at Whole Foods has not yet partnered with Eat Fit, this grocer offers numerous organic and Eat Fit approved ingredients for whipping up a healthy, family-friendly meal at home.

Consider their naked rotisserie chicken which is all natural, very low in sodium, and easy for a quick prep meal.

Download the free Eat Fit NOLA App where you can find a complete list of restaurants, Eat Fit menu options and nutritional facts, as well as helpful shopping guides and recipes for cooking at home.

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