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More Comfortable Mammograms: What Are My Options?

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If you have ever had a mammogram, you are probably familiar with the discomfort associated with this preventative cancer screening. The American Cancer Society recommends an annual mammogram for women ages 45-54 and encourages women ages 40 to 44 to begin screening earlier if they wish to do so. Some women may even need to start screening before age 40 depending on their family history.

As this important preventative measure becomes part of your yearly healthcare routine, it’s important to know what your options are – including technological advances that have arrived to make the procedure more comfortable!

The Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam is both a more accurate mammogram that has the additional benefiting of improved comfort. Not only is your mammogram done in 3D, but it also utilizes SmartCurve™ technology to create a better, more accurate exam with a more comfortable breast stabilization system.

The mammogram will be like a standard mammogram but more comfortable. The curved design of the compression device mirrors the shape of a woman’s breast to reduce pinching and applies uniform compression over the entire breast for added comfort.

Genius™ 3D Mammography™ has reported that 93% of patients who once experienced moderate to severe discomfort with a standard mammogram described improved comfort with this technology. They also stated that 95% of patients surveyed would recommend healthcare facilities that use SmartCurve™ technology.

No matter which mammogram you choose, it is essential that patients understand the importance of preventative breast cancer screenings and the role they play in catching cancer earlier in order to effectively treat it. 

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