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Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Health Sciences Academy Engages Students Through Inclusive Education

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Explore the hallways of Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Health Sciences Academy, where health sciences and technology come together to create an environment for tomorrow's leaders, innovators and healthcare champions. Ochsner, with the guidance of Principal Charles Natt, EdD, is making a life-changing impact with an education that combines academic excellence with real-world application for the students of the Baton Rouge region.

Discovery Health Sciences Academy's mission is to create a challenging learning environment where students excel academically, cultivate curiosity, and promote environmental responsibility while exploring health and science subjects and careers. Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery School helps meet a need for more science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education in Louisiana by building on Ochsner’s long history of working with local schools, students and teachers to bring STEM education to the community.

“Kids deserve a fresh start. Kids deserve this opportunity to be a part of something fresh, new, exciting and health science-driven with various STEM components,” says Dr. Natt. “Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery is going to be something that the Baton Rouge area has not truly had exposure to.”

Imagine a school where everyone is included, every student learns something important each day, and everyone's voice is heard and respected. It’s time to change how we teach our kids. Let's create an education system where interests are valued and potential is unlocked. "That’s what education means to me; being inclusive, having a chance to learn something new, having a chance to have your interests heard and your interests valued," says Dr. Natt.

Ochsner is committed to investing in the communities we serve and creating partnerships that help educate students who may become the next generation of doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals.

Discover a fresh and exciting education. Explore Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Health Sciences Academy.

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