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10 Ways to Keep Your Back Healthy

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The spine is the pillar of the body, providing the foundation for the upper and lower extremities to attach. Our spines withstand significant forces all day long, and over time back pain can become a significant obstacle to everyday living. 

However, there are many ways we can take good care of our backs. Here are a couple tips to help you keep your back healthy and strong.

Watch Your Posture While Sitting 

Sit in chairs with back supports, and use a lumbar roll to maintain the normal curve of your low back. Ensure that the height of your chair is such that your feet can rest flat on the floor with your knees and hips level. The average American sits nine hours a day. Do not sit longer than one hour without getting up to stretch or move!

    Stand Smart

    Maintain the normal curves of your spine while standing. When standing tall, you should be able to draw a line down through your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle. Wear good shoes and consider using a standing desk mat if you stand a lot during work, and make sure to take periodic breaks from standing.

    Lift Correctly

    Lift objects by using the strong muscles in your legs. Get close to the object, bend your knees and your hips, and maintain the normal curve of your low back. Do not twist when lifting or carrying items. Think about the tasks you perform daily at work or home, and minimize lifting and carrying objects. Rolling carts and other strategies can help reduce back strain.

    Exercise Regularly 

    Individuals who exercise regularly will generally experience better health, reduced back pain, and less stress. A good exercise program should have a stretching component, a strengthening component, and an aerobic component. Maintain the mobility of your spine by stretching daily, and strengthen your core and extremities several times a week. 

    Strive to get regular cardiovascular exercise three to five days a week. Choose activities you like such as walking, swimming, dancing, or riding a bike! 

    Quit Smoking

    Smoking increases the likelihood of back pain. It is thought that smoking reduces the blood supply to the discs between the vertebrae and this may lead to degeneration of these discs. Talk to your physician about quitting. There are many smoking cessation options that may work for you, and it will improve more than just your back health! 

    Keep Moving, Even When You Have Pain

    The majority of back pain is mechanical in nature, and will likely reduce with gentle movements, stretching, and walking. As tempting as it may be to stay in bed when you are hurting, remember that you will likely feel better by getting up and gently moving and walking.

    Maintain A Healthy Diet

    Good nutrition plays a role in back health. Experts agree that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is accomplished through a balanced diet and regular exercise. An emphasis on a variety and properly portioned plate is key to balanced eating. Eat healthy for a healthy back!

    Stay Hydrated

    The average adult is approximately 60% water, so staying hydrated is beneficial for all aspects of health. In general, an adult should drink half of their body weight in ounces each day. For example, if you weight 180 lbs. you should drink 90 ounces of water daily.

    Get Regular Sleep

    Ensure that you get a good night’s rest on a regular basis — your spine needs the rest too. The discs in your spine hydrate when you lie down to sleep.

    See Your Physician

    Make an appointment to see your physician for back pain that is progressively worsening, and for back pain that is no better or worse after changing positions and activities. 

      Ready to put an end to chronic neck or back pain? Find an Ochsner Healthy Back location.

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