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3 Ways to Treat High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes from Home in 2024

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Half of all American adults are living with at least one chronic (ongoing) condition, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have some of the country’s highest rates of chronic conditions, as well as the highest rates of cardiovascular death. Ochsner is dedicated to leading innovative solutions to improve health outcomes in these areas. With Ochsner Digital Medicine, those solutions can spread throughout the nation.

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed differences in the quality of healthcare across racial, ethnic and socio-economic groups that plague our nation. Access to care is a main contributor to healthcare gaps. Ochsner believes that using digital health alongside the traditional healthcare system is a can bridge the gap to ease these inequalities. According to WHO, digital health “can help make health systems more efficient and sustainable, enabling the delivery of quality, affordable and equitable care.” Offering more digital services allows access to care to those without reliable transportation or to those who live in a rural area that lacks a specialist for their health needs.

Eligible members can take control of their high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, or weight by enrolling in Ochsner Digital Medicine. This program equips patients with user-friendly digital devices ( a blood pressure cuff and/or glucometer, where applicable) to take and submit readings to their Digital Medicine care team for review. The care team consists of a licensed clinician, professional health coaches and registered dietitians, who review these readings to provide medication management and lifestyle recommendations. Interactions with the care team are completed entirely over the phone, through MyOchsner messaging, or in the Digital Medicine app, enabling Digital Medicine members to actively participate in their personalized care from the comfort of their own homes.

How is Digital Medicine different from traditional clinic visits?

  • Detailed reports: Your expert care team and primary physician can see how your readings are trending week to week. A monthly progress report is provided, to help monitor growth and improvement.
  • Real-time alerts: Data is received in real time. Your care team is notified if the readings look problematic, so they can be promptly addressed.
  • Personalized treatment plans: Your dedicated care team, made up of health coaches, registered dietitians, and clinicians. This team can adjust medications as needed and create new lifestyle goals to help you live a healthier life.

If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, enrolling in the Digital Medicine program is a simple process. Visit the Digital Medicine sign-up portal to get started.

By combining innovative tools with personalized care, Digital Medicine is changing the lives of enrolled members living with these conditions. Increasing access to care, especially for those with health inequalities, is crucial in our effort to reduce the progression of chronic diseases. Our commitment to using both technology and traditional methods demonstrates our dedication to achieving better health outcomes for all.

Continued Innovation 

The Digital Medicine program has launched a new app for Digital Medicine members to connect their smart devices to their blood pressure cuff or glucometer. This app links directly with the MyOchsner app, making it even easier to submit readings to the care team. It also has features like customizable reading reminders, in-app reading guidance and comprehensive setup instructions with videos. Learning modules within the app cover topics such as forming healthy habits, healthy eating tips, and better understanding chronic conditions. This new app helps our Digital Medicine team provide the best care possible to our members.

Digital Medicine helps you take charge of common chronic conditions. Learn more here.

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