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Benefits of Exercising for Mature Adults

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Some people have been blessed with good genes and will age gracefully without complications. However, for the rest of us that are concerned with quality of life as we age, exercise is one of the keys to our success.

The benefits of exercise have been researched for many years. And, research has shown that regular exercise provides a myriad of health benefits in mature adults (65 years and older). Those benefits include:

  • Improved Blood Pressure
  • Improved Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
  • Decreased Incidence of Diabetes
  • Improved Function & Decreased Pain with Osteoarthritis
  • Decreased Incidence of Osteoporosis
  • Decreased risk of Coronary Artery Disease
  • Improved Sleep
  • Improved Cognitive Function
  • Decreased Rates of Depression
  • Improved Short-Term Memory
  • Potential Decrease in Risk of Colon, Breast, Prostate and Rectal Cancers
  • Decreased Hospitalization Rate
  • Decreased Mortality Rate

Are You Exercising Regularly?

Despite these proven benefits, studies show up to 75% of adults 65 years and older do not exercise enough to achieve these benefits. Some common barriers to exercise in older adults have been identified below. Here are some tips on how to overcome those barriers:



Self Efficacy

(A person’s ability to succeed)

Begin slowly with exercises that are easily accomplished and advance gradually.


Identify activities that you enjoy.


Vary the intensity, start slowly and avoid exhausting yourself by over exercising.


Consider a personal trainer or physical therapist.

Poor Balance

Assistive devices can increase your safety.

Fear of Injury

Start slowly with balance and strength training and consider a personal trainer or physical therapist.

Fixed Income

Walking and other simple exercises can be done at home. Use household items to provide light resistance.

Environmental Factors

Walk inside the mall, an indoor track or find a Senior Center.


Incorporate exercise into your daily routine to promote active lifestyle. Grab a buddy! Recruit family and friends to join.

Is Exercising Right For You?

Before starting any new exercise program, older adults should undergo a physical examination by a family doctor to identify any limitations. There are few contraindications to exercise even when someone has been diagnosed with a medical condition. However, guidance in the right direction to exercise safely should be sought by a medical professional such as a doctor or physical therapist.

Book an appointment online with an Ochsner physician for your physical examination.

As George Burns – who lived to be 100 years old – used to say, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!"


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