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15 Things to Pack When You Attend Louisiana Festivals in 2023

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When packing up to attend your favorite festival, make sure you have the following essentials to guarantee that nothing interferes with your good time:

  1. A good bag. Make sure you have the smallest possible bag for the items that you need. Choose a bag that’s lightweight but supportive for your back. If you opt for a backpack such as a Camelbak, which offers hands-free hydration, or a rolling bag for back relief, make sure these options are permitted at the festival you’re attending.
  2. An empty water container. Some festivals do not allow outside water, but there may be a place to fill bottles once you get inside to keep yourself hydrated and save a little money. Just be sure to avoid glass containers.
  3. Cash. Many festival vendors only accept cash payments for items like food and souvenirs. You'll also minimize the risk of losing your debit card. Some now accept payment via Venmo or Cash App. Note that New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival has gone cashless in 2023; read their instructions on making purchases.
  4. Sunscreen. Apply sunscreen before you leave your house, but bring more for reapplications. You may also want to consider a lip balm with SPF for extra protection.
  5. Sunglasses. While sunglasses are a great festival accessory, they are also important for protecting your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  6. Hat. Protect your head and face from sunburn.
  7. Scarf. You can cool down by soaking it in water and tying around your neck.
  8. Tissues or baby wipes. These are both essential festival survival items! They can be used for anything from cleaning up after a meal to wiping off festival dust.
  9. Earplugs. Festival amplification systems can be louder than you may realize at first. Somewhere down the line, you will be glad you packed a pair of earplugs.
  10. Ziplock bags. On the off-chance a spring shower comes along, a plastic bag will protect your phone, wallet and anything else you don't want to get wet. They can also double as handy to-go containers for your favorite festival foods!
  11. Medication. You don’t want to bring your whole medicine cabinet, but at least make sure you have any prescription meds you may need as well as headache medication and something for upset stomach, just in case the festival food doesn’t agree with you.
  12. Portable phone charger. No room in your bag? Designate a meet-up spot for the end of the day just in case your phone dies, gets lost or cell signals are overloaded.
  13. Menstrual products. If you know you will need them (or think there’s even the slightest chance you will), pack menstrual products. And if you don’t need them, a girlfriend or fellow female festival goer might.
  14. Healthy snacks. These are great if you’re trying to avoid temptation or are just overloaded on festival food and need some fruit, nuts or a protein bar to keep you full. Be sure your festival permits outside food. If not, pack a cooler of healthy post-fest snacks and beverages for the car for the ride home.
  15. Band-Aids. Festivals are not the place to break in a new pair of shoes, but just in case a blister situation happens, be sure to have a few Band-Aids on hand. A friction stick can also do double duty for shoes that rub or chaffing concerns. Don’t let anything keep you from dancing your heart out

Always check ahead of time to see what is permitted at your festival of choice. Also, make sure you know where to find a medical tent or emergency personnel in case of anything from a headache to heatstroke.

Let the good times roll!

Learn more about Alisha Thomas, NP.