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Men sexual health

Common Sexual Health Problems in Men

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Optimal sexual health can impact a man’s mental and psychological health. Men should be able to maintain a healthy sex lifestyle at any stage of life. There are number of factors that can affect men’s sexual health, such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, sexually transmitted disease and libido.

1. Erectile dysfunction

    This is the most common sexual health problem in men. Erectile dysfunction is the difficulty for men to get and keep a firm erection for sex. If you occasionally have a difficult time having an erection, it’s not a cause for concern. However, if it is a constant and ongoing issue, you should talk to your doctor. There are many factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, such as stress, intimacy, blood flow, hormones, weight, etc.

    The physical causes include:

    • Heart disease
    • Clogged blood vessels
    • High cholesterol
    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Metabolic syndrome
    • Parkinson's disease
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Peyronie's disease, which is when flat scar tissue develops under the skin of the penis.
    • Sleep disorders
    • Prostate cancer
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Low testosterone
    • Drug and alcohol use
    • Obesity

    Psychological causes include:

    • Relationship issues
    • Anxiety, depression and stress

    If you believe to be experiencing psychological problems that are causing erectile dysfunction, you should contact a therapist or counselor.

    2. Male infertility

      Male infertility is the inability to conceive a child due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm or blockage.

      The physical factors include:

      • Blockage
      • Infections and some sexually transmitted infections.
      • Tumors
      • Hormone imbalances and low testosterone.
      • Tubes defects that transport sperm.
      • Certain medications, such as testosterone replacement therapy, steroid use, cancer medications ulcer drugs and arthritis drugs.
      • Prior surgeries, such as a vasectomy, prostate surgeries and large abdominal surgeries.
      • Celiac disease, which is a digestive disorder where a person has a sensitivity to gluten.
      • Chromosome defects, such as cystic fibrosis.
      • Varicocele. A varicocele is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle.
      • Retrograde ejaculation. This occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of leaving out the penis.
      • Anti-sperm antibodies. These cells mistakenly attack sperms as invaders.
      • Undescended testicles. This occurs when one or both testicles fail to drop from the abdomen into the scrotum.

      3. Sexually transmitted diseases

        Men may not realize they have an STD because many do not experience symptoms. It’s important to get periodically tested. However, if symptoms do occur, they include:

        • Pain or burning during urination
        • Frequent urination
        • Pain during ejaculation
        • Abnormal discharge from the penis
        • Bumps, blisters or sores on the penis

        The common STDs include:

        • Chlamydia
        • Genital herpes and warts
        • HPV
        • Hepatitis A
        • Hepatitis B
        • HIV
        • Gonorrhea
        • Trichomoniasis
        • Syphilis

        4. Libido

          Low libido is having a low sex drive and interest in sexual activity. If you occasionally have a low libido, it’s not a cause for concern. However, if it is a constant and ongoing issue, you should talk to your doctor.

          The possible causes of low libido include:

          • Low testosterone
          • Depression and stress
          • Cancer
          • Obesity
          • Type 2 diabetes
          • High blood pressure
          • High cholesterol
          • Chronic lung, heart, kidney and liver failure
          • Sleep problem
          • Alcohol and drug use
          • Restless leg syndrome, which is a neurological disorder in the legs.

          By living a healthier lifestyle, you can increase your sex drive. However, if you are still experiencing a low sex drive, it’s important to talk to your physician because it could be a sign of a chronic health condition or low testosterone.

          For more information about Urology, click here.

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