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Woman looking in mirror at smooth skin after dermaplaning session

Can Dermaplaning Make You Look Younger? Plus 6 More Things To Know

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Dermaplaning is a popular and effective facial treatment that can help you achieve smooth, radiant skin. The procedure involves gently scraping away dead skin cells and peach fuzz using a sterile surgical scalpel.

While it may sound intimidating, dermaplaning is painless, safe and effective. Because of the benefits it offers, dermaplaning has become a go-to treatment for many skincare enthusiasts.

Why should you try dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is one of the best ways to exfoliate your skin. By removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, it unclogs pores and promotes a more even skin tone. This process allows skincare products to penetrate deeper, maximizing their effectiveness.

It also provides an immediate improvement in skin texture. By eliminating the layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair (commonly called peach fuzz), the skin becomes incredibly smooth and soft to the touch.

Dermaplaning will also help you achieve optimal results from your skincare routing. After dermaplaning, your skin’s ability to absorb products is significantly enhanced. Without the barrier of dead skin cells and facial hair, serums, moisturizers and other treatments can penetrate deeper into the skin, delivering their active ingredients more effectively.

Can dermaplaning make me look younger?

Dermaplaning stimulates collagen production, a vital protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles become less noticeable, giving the skin a more youthful appearance. Regular dermaplaning sessions can help combat the signs of aging and promote long-term skin rejuvenation.

It is recommended to get a dermaplaning treatment about once a month.

Can I use makeup after a dermaplaning session?

Yes, but it’s recommended you wait at least 24 hours before applying heavy makeup or using makeup brushes to allow your skin to fully heal.

Dermaplaning creates the perfect canvas for flawless makeup application. With the removal of facial hair, your foundation and other makeup products will glide on smoothly, providing a seamless finish. Say goodbye to cakey makeup and hello to a natural look that lasts longer throughout the day.

Is dermaplaning good for acne?

Dermaplaning can be particularly beneficial for people with acne-prone skin. By removing the top layer of dead skin cells and unclogging pores, dermaplaning helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and excess oil that can lead to breakouts.

It also allows acne treatments to penetrate deeper, accelerating the healing process.

Will dermaplaning cause stubble?

You may feel a little stubble as your hair starts to grow back, but it will not be thicker or darker. Your hair will be the same texture and color as it was before.

Which is better: Dermaplaning or a facial treatment?

Both dermaplaning and facials have several benefits. And there’s no reason why you can’t get both at the same time. Beginning your facial with no peach fuzz and a fresh face will enhance the results of your facial.

Is it safe to do dermaplaning at home?

Dermaplaning is typically done by a licensed esthetician, though dermaplaning razors for at-home use are widely available.

If used correctly, the razors are safe to use at home. However, you will not see the same results and benefits as you would by getting it done professionally.

An esthetician will be able to remove more layers of skin, giving you faster, better results.

Book a dermaplaning appointment with a licensed esthetician today at Ochsner Elevate. Backed by science and led by Ochsner physicians, Elevate is a luxury cosmetic and wellness center here to keep you looking and feeling your best.

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