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Flu Season Is Still Here

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The flu season is not over in Louisiana. Ochsner is seeing increasing levels of type A flu across the area, so it is important to get a flu shot to protect yourself and your loved ones.

While flu shots have become common practice and have been a truly life-saving innovation of modern medicine, there are still some people who are hesitant about receiving the vaccine due to some misconceptions.

When considering a flu vaccine, it’s important to separate the fact from the fiction. Here are a few common myths associated with flu vaccines and the facts to bust them.

Myth: I Will Catch the Flu by Receiving a Flu Shot

This is the myth that seems to be most commonly spread. The flu vaccine cannot infect its recipient because it is made up of dead or inactive strands of the flu virus. Some people may get sick after receiving their flu shot but, in these cases, these people already had the virus in them before their vaccination. It can take up to two weeks for the vaccine’s protection to take hold so there is a period of time where a shot recipient can still get sick after receiving the vaccine. This doesn’t mean that they vaccine caused the virus.

Myth: Young and Healthy People Do Not Need a Flu Shot

Though the flu is most common in very young and very old people, in addition to those with pre-existing health issues; all people, no matter how young, old or healthy, are susceptible to the virus. In addition to protecting themselves from the virus, by receiving the vaccine, healthy people are protecting those around them whose immune systems are more at risk.

Myth: Pregnant Women Should Not Get a Flu Shot

Not only should all pregnant women get the flu shot as early as possible to protect themselves but the vaccine will also protect their baby for the early months of their life when they are not able to receive a shot of their own. The adverse symptoms of the flu, including fever and infection, can also cause potentially serious complications during pregnancy, making receiving the vaccine a must-do for all pregnant women.

Myth: I Don’t Need to Get a Flu Shot Every Year

The flu is a constantly evolving virus that can mutate in form from year-to-year. Considering this, it is important to receive a flu shot every year as the vaccine is updated as the virus changes to provide optimal protection against the flu.


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