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Emily Miller, BCBA, LBA

Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

Emily Miller, BCBA, LBA is a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) who provides applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy. She specializes in working with young children on improving the core symptoms of autism, including communication, socialization, and restrictive and repetitive behavior patterns. Emily also coaches parents on behavior management strategies to maximize their child’s progress and therapy outcomes at home.

Emily says, "When something doesn’t work or isn’t making sense the first or second time, it is in human nature to give up. What initially intrigued me about ABA therapy was the concept that something might not work the first time, and it might not even work the twentieth time. But after hundreds of repetitions and hard work, when something clicks, that’s when the magic happens. In this field, I don’t think that we are the teachers. I believe that we are in fact the students, and our clients are the teachers. They shape and mold us every day - to find new and creative ways to break down skills so that they can have success.”

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